Thursday, January 18, 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Final

Talk it. Mental Health First Aid Kit - Information Pack 

Talk It. Campaign Posters 

Monday, January 15, 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Production of Final

After coming back from Christmas I had became aware of how much time I have left one of the first things that I did was book two print slots. I was able to get two slots one for the 18th and one of the 19th January. Due to the short amount of time that I have left to get the pack printed I did not have much chance to experiment with my stock choice and so I used the paper available in the print room. 

Poster spectrum - As I had originally wanted to print this as part of the poster zine I still wanted to be folded. This meant that my stock choice needed to be light, one of the only papers that I was able to find was 90gsm and is textured on the back, however this bring a nice texture through the paper, the light stock also allows for the paper to be folded easily. The over all print quality is what I wanted with no marks coming from the ink once it was folded, I am happy with result of this poster. 

Booklet - As this is only a 12 page booklet I thought it would be better to keep the page weight to a minimum. I was able to use a 200gsm paper for the front cover which helps to house everything and then inside I used 120gsn as this allows the pages to flick nicely for page to page. I did not have much trouble when printing the booklet, once it was printed I then had to cut down each page to the right size using a scalpel. I then used the folding machines to get perfect creases, this then makes it very easy to add the staples with zine stapler in the cutting room. 

Welcome card - For this I choice a 300 gsm stock, I felt that this weigh paper was the right thickness for a card that was going to be alone as it needed to be ridged so that it doesn't get damaged within the pack. 

Stickers - The stickers are very easy to make, I printed the design on to the sticker paper which has a matte finish. I choice this as I thought this would look like a better quality sticker. From there I put them in the vinyl cutter and this gets the perfect lines around them so they can used as proper stickers. 

Once I had everything printed it was time to put it all together. At this stage it was good to see the pack coming into shape, once the booklet was bound and I has cut out all of the stickers it was time to assemble the box before photographing. This was not an easy job as I had to wrap the vinyl sticker around the box, it was easier with the help of someone else but it went on easily once I had someone to hold the box.

Monday, January 8, 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Production

Talk It - Mental Health Awareness First Aid Kit Content

Information Booklet 

Posterzine - 

As part of the kit I thought it would be necessary to have a printed booklet that would house most of the information. The most interesting form of booklet that I thought would would suit itself well to this pack was a poster zine. The reason I thought that it would work well was because of one of my main ideas - the mental health spectrum, in my essay I introduced the idea that we should apply a spectrum to mental health which illustrates that everyone has some form of mental health (some cases being worse than others) but this spectrum is a good way to get lots of people talking about how they feel, therefore making those who feel worried about talking about mental health problems more comfortable. 

The posterzine is the best format for this as I would am able to have all the information about mental health on one side and then the spectrum on the other. However after designing the zine in rough format I discovered that I would not be able to use the university print room to print the zine in the way that I wanted to. Due to restrictions with printing double sided A2 it was not possible to print this in the format that I wanted. This now meant that I had to rethink this idea into a different form of publication.

Front page

Page 1 - Contents/how to use     Page 2 - Personal stories

Pages 3,4,5 - Common Mental Health problems   Page 6 - Conversation starers

ALL pages

Mental Health Spectrum Poster

Publication -

After not being able to produce the posterzine I had originally wanted to do, I had to think of an alternative way to produce the publication. I decided to move the content from the poster zine into a publication, which actually worked in my favour as I now have more space to work with once I begin to add the content. 

Using the plan that I had already made for the poster zine, it made it easier to figure out how the content was going to be set out. The advantage of doing in this format is it will actually be easier for the user to user, as the posterzine can be complicated to fold sometimes. 

Pages - 

Front: Mental Health: First Aid Kit (Talk it. logo)

Page 1: Mental Health: At Work

Page 2: Contents page 

Page 3 & 4: Mental Health Problems (Depression and Anxiety) 

Page 5 & 6: OCD and Eating disorders 

Page 7 & 8: Personality Disorders and Bipolar Disorder 

Page 9 & 10: Conversation Starters and Personal Stories

Back: Further Information

I used this 6 column grid to help me when adding the content, I wanted the publication to flow well from page to page making sure that all the information is clear and easy to dig
est. As when looking at a lot of mental health charities websites there was a lot to take in and I could see why it would be easy to be put off reading information. So by having a small amount of information but at a high impact it should help to grab the users attention and therefore helping to make the package more effective. 

I used the colour scheme through out too keep the consistency of the brand as well I felt this would help to reinforce the out image on the user. As hopefully they would start to remember the colours that which are associated with the charity. I chose to have mainly text but set out in a very straight forward layout and highlighting key areas to draw the users attention to important tings for example key words within the descriptions. 

The use of the quotes is to try and make the user understand the illnesses in a simpler form as well as the rest of the descriptions. 

Making the information very bold and in your face with the use of bring colours is going to work well as it is going to be printed at 175mm x 250mm so all of the information will be easy to read at this size. 

 Poster: Mental Health Spectrum - 

I came up with a few variations of the poster, again sticking to the brand guidelines.
The main aim o the poster is for the user to put stickers along the like (spectrum) the stickers represent three moods and the user can add them on a day-to-day basis to show how they are feeling to other without having to say much this should encourage people to talk and listen to each other more. 

My feeback suggested the following: 

Smiley faces worked better that the "- +" symbols as they are more representative of moods rather it symoblising a more negative theme. 

White background would be more suited as the stickers would stand out more. 

Stickers -

The smiley face stickers will be used for the spectrum. Each colour has also been selected to help represent the feeling. 

Blue - Colour of mental health and it signifies being calm and happy with your thoughts.  

Pink - This has been used to represent bravery for speaking out about feeling down.

Yellow - This represents the person is okay, yet it would still be nice to talk. 

These stickers are more for promotion, tehy will be a good size so that the user can put them where ever they choose but the intention is for laptops and the back of phones, this way it will also help to advertise the campaign. 

As well as the above i have  included a "welcome and whats in this pack" card so that the user is understands what the pack is to be used for. This will be the first thing that they users sees when they open the box. 

Packaging - 

For the kit to be easilly transportable it needed to be in some sort of packaging. I found these A4 boxes which are design to fit in the big letter for the post which helps for dirstribution. As well as this the packageing keeps everything together and create that idea of an information first aid kit. 

Promotional Posters - 

To help promote the campaign I also decided to create some posters that are use the transfer technique that I dissused within my essay. The transfer technqiue is when you take a repected figure in this case I have used celebrities and you applu it within a campaign this helps to reassure the audience that the message within the campaign is worthy.

In this case I have choosen four celebrities that have been out spooken about their personal mental health issuses. By using this style of imgery my aim is that it will help normalise the stigma of mental health as the audience (piublic) will be made to understand that having a mental health probelm can affect anyone no matter who you are famous or not. 

As well of the use of celebrities to help endorse the campaign I have paired it with bold type that highlight that it is not diffcult to talk about mental health. The doutone images help to show show the person is taking anyway any colour that is wihtin the orignal picture this was the audience will be more focued on who the person is. The use of the bright yelow type was also to help grab the attention of people as they pass the posters as the intention for a poster of this style would be for them to be all over major cities around the UK. The messages on the posters are meant to be straigh to the point, to show the adueince how easy it can be to create a converstion and be mindful of other poeple.